Duopoly: Biphonic Consciousness
Like Monarchs you see life as a cosmic battleground where good and evil fight for dominance. Like the Ares archetype, you may represent power and physical strength. Like the Athena archetype, you may also represent wisdom, defensive strategy, and moral intelligence.
You are likely both an adamant supporter of one political party and an adamant opponent of an other political party. You likely believe that the party that you support is good and that the party that you oppose is evil.
However, many that elect a duopoly are able to see how both good and evil are both different sides of the same coin. Those that only see things in black and white are falling for the duopoly’s good-cop-bad-cop routine. Those that fail to see the two-party system’s good-cop-bad-cop routine are the concerned citizens that willingly give their liberty away in exchange for safety.
Conscientious, Diplomatic, Indirect, Humble, Patriotic, Loyal, Dependable, Reserved, Professional, Passionate, Sociable, Janus-Faced
If you elect a Duopoly, your conscience takes the form of the majority and minority whip. A character that elects a duopoly has a conscience similar to biphonic music. The majority whip creates a constant pitch, while the minority whip creates a more complex melody above it, in an attempt to alter the meaning of the constant pitch.
Regimes organized as Duopolies often label themselves after the direction they plan on taking the country. Regimes that are organized as Duopolies don’t provide the destination the nation will arrive at, because a Duopoly’s election terms make it impossible for a destination to be reached.
Centrist movements become increasingly unpopular as more successive centrist regimes are elected. Radical centrists claim that those on the extremes are the ones who are dangerous, and that only those that are centrists can prevent utter chaos from unfolding. Most likely has an antiquarian perspective of history, which causes them to embody the Atlas archetype and attempt to preserve the current state of things at all costs, even if the current form of order is corrupt. It is often in their self-interest to sustain order because they believe that they benefit from order and that without order, chaos will reign and disturb them.
Typically popular with characters that identify as traditional hard-working folks. Those on the center-right also tend to be religious, specifically Judeo-Christian. They also happen to fear those on the far left. They are likely to have an antiquarian perspective of history which causes them to desire to conserve things or more specifically restore things to their former glory.
Those on the far-right are considered fascist male chauvinists, and other rejects that failed to become aware of the Duopoly’s good-cop-bad-cop-routine. They are more organized than the far-left, but far less popular. Likely to have an extremely antiquarian perspective of history.
Typically popular with characters that identify themselves as empathetic, caring, and tolerant. Those on the center-left also tend to be atheistic or secular. They also happen to fear those on the far right. Likely to have a critical perspective of history which means that they believe that history is a sequence of liberations from oppressive regimes.
Far left:
Those on the far-left are considered antifascists, communists, and socialists that naively believe that mob rule won’t descend into a kleptocracy. They are more chaotic than the far right but far less organized. Likely to have an extremely critical perspective of history which causes them to want to restructure the hierarchy if not disband it all together.
May have a difficult time understanding those that are different to them and instead opt to mislabel them, creating unneeded adversaries in the process.
Can easily descend into aristocracy, because the lack of a singular sovereign figure creates a power vacuum that becomes filled not by the most excellent but by the most immoral.
• Explanation for existence: Most likely believes that life was created by God, typically one that they believe is monotheistic. Likely believe that life was created out of chaos, ex nihilo, or from spontaneous emergence.
• Conceptual model of the universe/cosmos: Likely believes that the universe had a singular beginning. Likely believes that the universe is finite & inanimate.
• Idea of consciousness: Likely believes that we are platonic immortal souls that inhabit our mortal bodies (if politically on right), or believes that we are our body and when our body dies our death is permanent (if politically on left). Typically those on the center-right and center-left have an ahistorical consciousness, whereas those on the far-right and far-left typically have a historical consciousness.
Justification for Life's Suffering
Do we experience reality or perceive reality?
• Sensorium elicitation process: Likely believes in downwards causality. Likely values the material over the abstract. Likely has a top-down management approach. Likely to be more reactive to negatives than positives. Tends to be uncomfortable exploring the darkness within themselves and prefers to keep things light. Likely avoids direct confrontations.
• Thought structuring process: Moral absolutist, likely to believe what aligns with what they already know, often retroactively rationalizes their instinctual behavior and tends to be a binary thinker. Often experiences thought clumping: whatever information is consumed is cut up into pieces and then reused in other situations. Most likely a rote learner. Likely takes phrases out of context and assigns them a new contextual meaning to align with their self-concept.
• Emotion formulation process: Culture waves alter their personality every four years. Their moral absolutism, and staunch belief in good and evil tends to make them argumentative. Their desire to be good often causes them to repress sometimes even disown the dark and ugly parts of human nature. Tends to release their negative emotion in indirect and passive-aggressive ways.
• Reputation: Perceived by those that are ignorant as either good or evil. Perceived by those that are wise as ignorant, corrupt, or both.
Post-Life Hypothesis
Top careers:
Politicians, Journalists, Public Relations, Salesmen, Priests, Blue-Collar workers
Famous people:
Ronald Reagan, Sean Hannity, Andrew Cuomo, Mitch McConnell, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Tim Kaine, Joe Manchin, Jeanne Shaheen, Marco Rubio