Nomadism: Flowing Consciousness


You likely believe that this world has been turned into a prison, or that it has always been a prison. You believe that you didn’t ask to be here and that you would rather be somewhere else. You may desire to escape from this prison, or you may have already accepted that this prison is impossible to escape from. You may believe that your role is to not escape the prison but to make the prison less like a prison; to make the prison a better place to live. Often those that elect a nomadic mental government, are hopeful that small patches of the earth can be made a better place, but in general they believe that the earth is overrun by tyrants. 

Likely represents the Eris archetype and believes that discord is necessary to achieve what order will only worsen. You also likely represent the Nemesis archetype and believe that the oppressed will one day rule and get revenge on their oppressors.

The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
— Frederic Bastiat
bernie sanders.jpg

Rather than settle down and buy a home in the suburbs, Nomads prefer to be free from the responsibility of material possessions. Nomads likely believe that...

the things you own end up owning you...
— Chuck Palahniuk


Present, Resourceful, Nonconformist, Counter-Culture, Spontaneous, Predictably unpredictable, Rebellious, Tolerant, Accepting


Their belief in moral relativism may cause them to dislike those that are moral absolutists. Like a believer of polytheism, a character with a nomadic mental government believes that authority should be dispersed, because they believe doing so will prevent tyranny and increase individual liberty. 



Due to the power vacuum and lack of laws, the hunters forcefully take their place at the top of the hierarchy, that is until they get sick and have to go to the medicine man. In  a hunter-gatherer society the balance of power is determined by the ambitions of the medicine man, or its modern day equivalent. 


Due to the power vacuum and lack of laws, those that control the resources rule, until those without resources band together to seize what they believe is theirs. If successful, this new band of conquerors fight amongst each other until one of them wins (leading to monarchy) or a group of them wins (leading to aristocracy). 


If there is no centralized plan, individuals may have a difficult time finding those with the skills they need. Trade and industry may halt to a stop. Technological advancement may stop being pursued. Laziness and immaturity may be rampant. The family unit may slowly start to disintegrate and be replaced by the tribal unit. The lack of a hierarchy can create a power vacuum that spawns unnecessary power struggles. If individuals have insecurities or are lacking what they need or want, conflicts may repeatedly emerge.  


• Explanation for existence: Likely believes that the universe was either randomly created, created out of chaos, or by a malevolent deity inspired by the gnostic demiurge. 

• Conceptual model of the universe/cosmos: Most likely believes that the universe is cyclically destroyed and reborn.

• Idea of consciousness: Most likely believes that consciousness is shared, individuality is an illusion, and that we are all one.

• Justification for life’s suffering: Most likely believes that there is no justification for life’s suffering.

• Theory of perception: Most likely believes that they can only experience their perception of reality. Most likely applies a cyclical approach to life; which gives them insights into the loops we are in. 

• Sensorium elicitation process: Favors upwards causality over downwards causality. Likely believes that emphasis should be placed on micro over the macro. Tends to hold the virtue of authenticity in the highest regard. Despite their obsession with authenticity, Nomads are likely to have an easier time communicating with insincerity than communicating with sincerity. They may actually be skeptical of those that are sincere, because they have been conditioned to be skeptical of those that are sincere, due to how many people are pretending to be sincere. Places an emphasis on the roles of the environment and nature. Is likely to either be extremely reactive or radically chill

• Thought structuring process: Their subjective conscience may occasionally lead to brilliant, accidental discoveries. They are likely to have a critical perspective of history, meaning that they believe that history is about deconstructing oppressive power dynamics in pursuit of liberation and abolition. As a result they tend to have a pessimistic and distrusting perspective of authority. Their anti-conformity may cause them to live on the outskirts of culture or be misunderstood. Likely views history as something that has been manufactured and constructed, not something that should be built upon and integrated into oneself. Despite their pessimistic perspective of the past, they are surprisingly optimistic when it comes to the future. 

• Emotion formulation process: Emotions are formed from their subtextual interpretations. Rather than take things at face value, Nomads usually exist primarily in the substratum of subtext, causing them to see the weaknesses and flaws in those that most admire. They can be both passionate and relaxed depending on the situation they are in. They tend to be oppositional and distrusting of others, especially those that offer a new solution to an old problem. 

• Reputation: Most likely known as an outsider or wanderer by those that misunderstand them, and an untethered, free human by those similar to them. 

• Post-Life Hypothesis: Likely believes that their personal consciousness is absorbed by shared consciousness after death. If they don’t believe in a personal consciousness, which is likely, they may instead view death as permanent. 

Top careers: 

Activist, Blogger, Union member/leader, Political organizer, Technician, Documentary Filmmaker, Sociologist

Famous people: 

Noam Chomsky, Jim Morrison, Federic Bastiat, Henry David Thoreau, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Spartacus, William Wallace, Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, George Bernard Shaw, the Gracchi Brothers


Network: Polyphonic Consciousness


Representative Democracy: Proxy Consciousness