System: Mechanical Consciousness
You likely see life as a machine, and believe that your role in the machine is to keep it operating smoothly. Like the Atlas archetype, you believe that you are here to sustain and preserve order. While everyone takes sides, Systemizers rise above party politics and act on behalf of a higher abstraction, whether that be the realm, civilization, Truth, etc.
You may also see life as a game of chess. If you see life as a game of chess you may identify as a strategist. Oftentimes they are excellent tactical strategists.
Like the Apollo archetype, you are willing to cast illusions and construct noble lies to prevent order from descending into chaos. The only two virtues that you deem higher than harmoniousness are effectiveness and efficiency.
If you don’t see life as a machine or chess match, you may see life as an experiment that has been conducted to determine if a hypothesis is correct. If so, you most likely believe that the creator(s) of our universe is not benevolent or malevolent, but indifferent. You also likely believe that as parts of the experiment, we cannot fathom the reason as to why the experiment was conducted.
Logical, Intelligent, Self-Conscious, Technical, Analytical, Inconsiderate, Calculating, Anxious, Awkward, Methodical, Independent, Persistent
Continually revises the structural design of their conscience. If they don’t identify as an architect of their conscience, they most likely interpret their conscience as a line of code in their programming that determines their moral intuition. Since a Systemizer views everything as being connected, they are likely to entertain the idea that the shared consciousness itself is intelligent, but end up dismissing the idea in favor of another they deem more pragmatic.
Rule by algorithm: would imply a deterministic universe.
Rule by nature: would imply a indeterministic universe.
If a system is not built with certain inevitabilities in mind, such as technological advancement or intergenerational power transferral, negative incentives will create impermanent and shoddy solutions that cause the destabilization of the system. If doublespeak is permitted, the corporations that compose the System will call the products they built with planned obsolescence “100% renewable”. Systems are also likely to mislabel its citizens in an attempt to engineer characters to fit into certain roles. Systems can also often lead to an unneeded bureaucracy that hinders innovation and/or limits freedom with restrictions and regulations. One of the vices of Systematizers is their lust for power. Many systems are purposely designed to be difficult to navigate, just so the system managers can thwart those trying to alter the system, because those that try to alter the System are a threat to their reign of power. Many Systems are eventually hacked or gamed by either those that know how they function within it or those that know how to function outside of it.
Explanation for Existence
• Conceptual model of the universe/cosmos: Most likely believes in an evolving, growing, inanimate, finite universe.
• Justification for life’s suffering: Often believes that there’s no justification for life’s suffering. Rarely believes that there is a moral justification for life’s suffering.
• Theory of perception: Most likely believes that their system is the most accurate model of reality, until they update it and are embarrassed at how they used to operate.
Historical or Ahistorical Consciousness?
Personal or Shared Consciousness?
• Sensorium elicitation process: Prefers to focus on the future, so they can determine the probability of each potential outcome. Likely to prefer focusing on the horrific subtext instead of the illusory content. They may be so ambitious to achieve so many things, they may routinely fail to finish what they set out to do. Tends to prefer downwards causality over upwards causality.
• Thought structuring process: Likely to be the best skilled at using logic and deductive reasoning. They are also likely to suffer from self-consciousness and performance anxiety due to their over-dependence on a system they’ve constructed and lack of faith in themselves. They are likely randomly reminded of embarrassing memories. They are also likely to randomly forget something that they were just thinking about. Excels at perceiving reality from a bird’s eye vantage point.
• Emotion formulation process: May be easily frustrated by those that they deem incompetent; may benefit from learning to enjoy understanding others. Can get defensive if they feel like their ideas are being attacked. Since they are the most likely to repress or disown their emotions, they will unconsciously process “blacklisted” emotions through expressing what they deem to be a more acceptable form. For example, Systemizers are often conditioned to suppress their sadness, so they express their sadness in the form of anger, preventing themselves and others from connecting and solving the problem.
Perspective of History
Free will or Fate?
• Reputation: Either known as inconsiderate and direct, organized and awkward, diligent and intelligent, or as lazy and inventive. In response to being called lazy, a Systemizer would likely rationalize their laziness by convincing themselves that their laziness creates their inventiveness.
• Post-Life Hypothesis: Either believes that death is permanent and desires to digitally upload their consciousness or believes that when we die our personal consciousness is absorbed by the shared consciousness.
Top careers:
Public Official, Entrepreneur, Negotiator, Programmer, Science Fiction Author, Engineer, Architect, Film Director
Famous people:
Henry Kissinger, Robert Moses, Charles Montesquieu, Mark Zuckerberg, Stanley Kubrick, Rene Descartes, Stephen Hawking, Philip K. Dick